Want To Join The Remote Workforce?
Remote, digital ways of working will be the new business norm for the foreseeable future. And while our freshly sanitised fingers are pointing to Coronavirus as the catalyst for this we need to widen our lens and see that the change to our ways of working has been an inevitable one.
And it’s something that should be embraced!
Advancements in technology, improved access to tools of trade, and employee choice has been driving the remote working transformation for some time.
In fact the amount of people who work remotely at least once per week has grown by 400% since 2010, with over five million Americans working from home at least half of the week. All of this well before any of us knew what Covid-19 was.
So zoom out and you can see that these new ways of working are not just here as a temporary measure, they’re here to stay.
In this environment businesses are being forced to think differently in order to remain relevant – remote working being the most applicable example. And it has so much upside: less office space, less traffic, more time to work, fewer distractions etc.
However, if stepping out of the office means access to information and systems is difficult or restricted then this will affect your employees’ quality of work, overall productivity, client satisfaction, and ultimately your bottom line.
The smartest way to address this change is to put in place and empower high performing, connected remote teams.
And their successful performance requires just two key ingredients:
- The right people
- The right tools
But from a management perspective the biggest obstacle to overcome is that of trust - with the perception being that unless you can see your teams, you don’t know if they’re working.
The truth is that if your employees are easily distracted or unmotivated they’ll be no different if they’re in or out of the office. Productive, smart, motivated employees don’t need to be watched - they're outcome driven, are inclined to work, and they will get the job done regardless of their location.
What remote teams need far more than micro-management are productivity tools that enable them to do their jobs effectively and efficiently, and ensure they are connected to the business and each other – whether they are in the office or on the other side of the world.Your focus should be on tools that minimize execution times and expedite outcomes – if not, your competitors will pass you by in this space.
Collaboration and Information Management tools are the foundations on which the digital workplace is built. In fact how your information and data is gathered, secured, managed and used largely determines your organisation’s intelligence and success.
Remote employees require easy access to key information - when they need, where they need. That’s why smart companies are seeking a single platform that securely captures and manages information, and enables your workers to:
- Quickly find the information they need
- Kick-off projects
- Manage tasks
- Share files
- Review documents
- Build workflows
- Make decisions
- Engage with customers; and
- Message anyone.
So with the right people, the right technology and a culture built on outcomes, adapting to new ways of working isn’t really that difficult.
What Next?
Get our Remote working checklist, delivered to your inbox. Run through our list to ensure you're as well prepared for ongoing remote work as you can be, because we believe that current ways of working are here to stay.
Get our Remote Working Checklist, delivered to your Inbox.
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